Was heute Emails sind, waren im 18. Jahrhundert Briefe. Wir zeigen, wie sich die digitalisierten Briefe von und an Johann Caspar Lavater in einem GIS visualisieren lassen.
Tag Archives: ArcGIS
DIY: Linking R with Web Mapping
If you missed yesterday’s workshop with Stefan from ESRI about the R-ArcGIS Bridge, we are happy to share the workshop material with you. You can read the theory part and do the exercises independently.
“There are hot spots of wrecks in places I did not expect”
What can shipwrecks of the 19th century in the Indian Ocean tell us about the climate of the past? And what can the records of these wrecks tell us about climate knowledge production? Debjani Bhattacharyya, Professor for the History of the Anthropocene at UZH, explores these questions.
Was sagen Volksmusik-Sendungen über uns aus?
Volksmusik-Sendungen sind mehr als nur Unterhaltung. Was sie über die Gesellschaft, Kultur und Heimat aussagen, dem geht ein SNF-Forschungsprojekt nach. Wir vom GIS Hub durften fürs Projekt eine Karte der Sendeorte erstellen.
Using GIS to tackle the SDGs
How do companies, NGOs and public institutions monitor their progress towards the sustainable development goals (SDGs), and how can GIS software contribute? Five speakers provided answers from different perspectives at the event “Using GIS to tackle the SDGs”, organized by the GIS Hub and ESRI Switzerland.