Raumanalysen interdisziplinär: GIS als digitale Methode (Semesterkurs/E-Learning)
Module Raumanalysen interdisziplinär: GIS als digitale Methode 10SMGIS_2 - UZH Course Catalogue
A DSI Lab at UZH
Module Raumanalysen interdisziplinär: GIS als digitale Methode 10SMGIS_2 - UZH Course Catalogue
QGIS is a user-friendly open source geographic information system (GIS). It runs under Linux, Mac OS and Windows and supports a variety of vector, raster and database formats and functions. As a fully-fledged GIS, it enables the creation, visualisation, analysis and processing of spatial data. It is a powerful tool that can also be usedContinue reading "QGIS: Spatial data analysis and map creation"