Data, Tutorials and Infrastructure

Here you’ll find tutorials. Scroll down for more information on data and infrastructure.


Minor Spatial Data Science
UZH will launch a new minor in Spatial Data Science (30 ECTS) as of fall 2025. You’ll find more information here.

Request access to ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Pro with your UZH account (fill in the form in the link and you will get notified once your access has been set up. If you work or study at GIUZ, you can go to and simply log in with your UZH short name and password.)

Topographic Raster and Vector Maps, Digital Elevation Models and Orthophotos (by GeoVITe, open to all students and researchers at UZH, login via Switch edu-ID)

Open Data Switzerland
This is small selection of open data for Switzerland which you can use to practice:
Open Data Zürich (by Stadt Zürich)
Swiss Open Government Data (by the Swiss Federal Statistical Office, FSO)
Open Data Collection, curated by S. Graf

Some global open data sources
Overpass turbo, a web-based data filtering tool for OpenStreetMap
World Bank
SprachGIS (in German, “Language GIS”) on
OGD Portal Germany
OGD Portal Austria
OGD Portal EU
OGD Portal UK
OGD Portal USA

Kartenportal.CH: specialist portal for maps from libraries and archives in Switzerland

Python library Irchel Geoparser to extract toponyms (place names) out of text(s) and georeference them (by Diego Gomes, developper of the Irchel Geoparser)

External Tutorials and other support material for QGIS
– QGIS Beginner Tutorials in our Blog: How to start a new project in QGIS? , Selecting point data in QGIS, Working with point data (II) etc.
QGIS Cheatsheet (by
QGIS Training Material (by, in various languages)
QGIS Basics Wiki (by Daniel Ursprung)
QGIS courses at Coursera
Tutorials for the QGIS Cloud (by Leyla Ciragan)

External Tutorials and other support material for ArcGIS Online
ArcGIS R Bridge Tutorial (by Stefan Graf from ESRI Switzerland)
ArcGIS Online for Beginners | Learning Plan (
Essential ArcGIS Online skills | 10 tutorials (

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